root beers

Tommyknocker Root Beer – Old Recipe

tons and tons of people have written to me asking why i have not reviewed this brand yet and telling me how amazing it is. i’ll tell you why i never reviewed it: CUZ I COULDN’T GET ANY! i’m not sure why people expect me to have access to every microbrew in the country and know exactly what stores in the their neighborhood carry each one.
anyhow, enough ranting… on to the review. and honestly i do not know how i feel about this. the bottle is amazing first off, one of the best one there. the flavor is herbal as all get out with an herbal extract mixture of: mountain cherry, mountain maple, fenugreek, birch, licorice root, hops extract, maple syrup and others. and you can taste each thing, especially the licorice and maple syrup. i don’t think i like it actually. not a ton at least. it is decent and definitely unique. and i’d recommend it to certain people who like licorice and maple syrup.

Anthony’s Rating: 76
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User’s Rating: 73
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Type: Root Beer Comes In: 12oz glass bottle
Available: CO, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MD, MA, MI, MN, NE, NC, ND, OH, RI, SC, TX, UT, VA, WI, WY, online

Obtained in: mail order from company
Head: Small Sweetener: high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup
Calories: 165 Sodium: 30mg
Carbs: 43g Sugar: 42g
Caffeine: No

Ingredients: carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, natural and artifical flavor, carmel color, sodium benzoate (preservative), phosphoric acid

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  1. Jack Jarrett says:

    I think you’d like it much better out of the tap. I am also a root beer connoisseur, although not nearly to your level, but have about eighty brands under my belt. I stopped in at the actual brewery in Idaho Springs and it was awesome. I am not a big herby person either. You should check it out if you are ever in CO.

  2. I did not enjoy this root beer as much as others. It does taste very “mapley” and just so-so. It does however have an excellent head that fits the typical root beer mug picture on the label. No false advertising there. The taste does lack when compared to other root beers. Again, I think that maple syrup flavor kills it. If they took it out then I think that it would taste much better. I’d have to give it a 72.

  3. rick b says:

    I gave this a 75, I thought it was pretty good. It was strong on maple flavor, and if it was toned down a little, I would have scored it a little higher, but over all I liked it.

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