random junk

NY Times and junk

ok, so i got interviewed last week for a NY Times article on root beer which should be out tomorrow (6/25/2008) in the Food section, so check it out and i hope it is actually good. very fun for me. keeping my fingers crossed that i actually don’t sound like a foolrod. we shall see. or at least i will. and my mom i bet.
if you are coming here from the article mentioned above, welcome! i am anthony, these are my reviews. i try to update a couple times a month at least, but it is getting quite hard to find new sodas so that is variable. look around, click on Reviews to see links to all of the brands i have reviewed so far, or Availability to see what sodas are supposedly available near you, or any of the other links in the top navigation bar or just jump around the site. write and say hello too! and if you can get any of the sodas in that right side bar deal, PLEASE let me know.
and come back again soon!

oh, just to make this not totally worthless, this article is very funny to me:
High School Root Beer Party Raided. especially as someone who has had a root beer kegger or two.
ok, so maybe it was one birch beer kegger…
although i did have a birch beer keg at my wedding too.
i suppose this story was all over the news some time back but it seems i am out of the ole loop. i am not sure when that happened or if i ever actually was in said loop, but i am not now, rest assured.

UPDATE the article is live! check it out. it came out well i think although not a whole lot of the interview was used. but that is cool as site traffic is way up! woo hoo!

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