other reviews, root beers

Cherry Republic Sprecher Boom Chugga Lugga Cherry Root Beer

Jon is probably the only person i know who has more root beers than me. we have made a couple of trades in the past but as time goes on, it gets harder for each of us to find more sodas that the other has not had. if something new comes out, often we both get it. but we worked out another trade here and that is a good thing. a very good thing! Nine new sodas for me! hoorah!

this one is tricky. it comes in a Sprecher bottle, is made by Sprecher, but sold by Cherry Republic. i supposed i should probably file it under “Cherry Republic” instead of “Sprecher” but i decided not to. (ed note: ok, so it is 7 years later and I changed my mind)
i was pretty excited for this. afterall, besides root beer and the like, cherry soda is probably my favorite soda. i have considered starting a sister site to review cherry sodas even. i think ginger brews would be interesting too actually but they don’t vary quite as much as root beers or cherry sodas. anyway… so cherry and root beer together? hhhmmm, that could work. but does it? before i answer that, i will digress.
the label has a drawing of a bear picking cherries from the roots of a cherry tree. that is kind of clever and cute. more so since their normal cherry soda has the same bear picking cherries from the top of a cherry tree. they also make a cherry cola but that does not seem to have a witty illustration on its label. alas. the rest of the label has a background to make it look like wood. fine, whatever.
ok, so the taste? eh, it is ok. not really root beer tasting which is a bit surprising, being made by Sprecher and all. although there are no ingredients that would indicate it should have any root beer taste anyway. the cherry taste is definitely there, but not overpowering. it is a sweet, dark cherry taste with a little tart edge to it. hefty, not light and refreshing or anything. as a drink it is just ok. as a root beer, it disappoints. there is a little something beyond the cherry taste, a hint of something more, which could be the root beer aspect. it isn’t bad, it just isn’t awesome which i think it could have been.

Anthony’s Rating: 76
User’s Rating: 84
# of ratings:3

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Type: Root Beer Comes In: 16oz glass bottle
Available: discontinued

Obtained in: trade with Jon
Head: Small Sweetener: high fructose corn syrup
Calories: 150 Sodium: 7mg
Carbs: 37g Sugar: 37g
Caffeine: No
Website: http://www.cherryrepublic.com/

Ingredients: carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, cherry juice concentrate, natural and artificial cherry flavor, citric acid, and sodium benzoate (preservative)

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  1. Ed Keen says:

    Kindly call me please.

    Thank you.


  2. I think someone should start a cream soda review site. I don’t know if a cherry review site would work out too good because there are not that many cherry sodas to choose from. On the other hand, there are a ton of different cream sodas to choose from.

  3. Are you sure that this one is done by Sprecher?

  4. […] is now 7 years since I reviewed Cherry Republic Sprecher Boom Chugga Lugga Cherry Root Beer. yes, I know that is a very long name, mostly that is my own fault for not knowing just what to […]

  5. […] it. in fact i would say that is the dominant taste here. it is even more cherry flavored than the Boom Chugga Lugga Cherry Root Beer, which is the only cherry root beer i have had. as i said i do quite enjoy black cherry soda, but […]

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