alright, so i got a 6 pack of this stuff when i was visiting people in Atlanta. it was at one of those natural grocery stores. i tried a couple of cans there but brought a couple home to try too. why, i do not know. especially now when i try it again. this is …
Adirondack Waist Watcher Diet Root Beer
ok, so i have had this for like 3 years in my refrigerator and just noticed it. i am a bit wary to drink it, but i shall, for you, my loyal readers. ok, it sucks. very high carbonation, which seems to be the case often for diet sodas. probably in a futile attempt to …
Briar’s Diet Root Beer
can it be?! a diet soda that tastes good?! yeh, actually it does. weird. yeh, it has a slight aftertaste of NutraSweet but now i even less understand why other diet drinks with aspartame taste so awful. leave it to a NJ brewer to do it right i suppose. granted it is not amazing, but …
Olde Brooklyn Diet Williamsburg Root Beer
i just don’t think i can get past the bad aspartame taste. they have made a valient effort here though i guess. the licorice taste from the regular root beer is also here, although not as strong or as good. i usually feel kind of sick after drinking diet sodas. it may be imagined though …
Shasta Diet Root Beer
as a diet root beer this is almost ok. i stress almost cuz it still has that wretched aftertaste. but for that first second it tastes fine. after that it blows, so maybe take one big gulp so that second might last longer, i dunno. Anthony’s Rating: 31User’s Rating: 26# of ratings:110 Log in to …