the fact that this comes in 32 oz bottles gives it major points with me. it is pure style to be tootin a brown bagged IBC. the 7 oz bottle is freaky but oh well. anyhow, there is that special zing to IBC that you just don’t get from other root beers for some reason. …
America’s Choice Root Beer
this smells like root beer but tastes like fizzy sugar water with a slight root beer tinge to it. i dunno. it is kinda ok but i wouldn’t guess it was root beer i do not think if just given a swallow of it. so in that regard it kinda fails at the goal of …
Thorpe’s Root Beer
a taste that is not so much off the root beer path, but definitely different and definitely good. quite sweet though, but i like that myself. and a kinda strange tangy thing happening in there. i’d like to try this again sometime definitely. a fine brew. Anthony’s Rating: 86‘s rating: none yet! enter a value …
Thomas Kemper Pure Draft Root Beer
the honey sweetening gives this a different flavor than the rest. whether that is bad or good is up to the drinker i suppose, the first time i had it, i didn’t like it mch, but on the second try i grew to think it pretty yummy in a weird way. if they put a …
Pirate’s Keg Root Beer
a bit too generic with no real special kick of its own. made by the people who make Jolt, so of course it has caffeine, which is kinda weird. anyhow, i just can’t find anything too distinguishing about this. i think it’s be better with real sugar instead of corn syrup since it is a …