this is probably the best sarsaparilla i have had in a long while. although sarsaparillas are quite hard to come by so maybe that is not really saying a whole lot. it is not as harsh as some or as watered down as others, but it has just a smooth flavour with a kick to …
Sioux City Birch Beer
kinda of average really for a birch beer. that slight mint thing, but also a medicine-y taste to it. just doesn’t impress me, although i would select it over a lot of other drinks still. plus it is red which is always cool. Anthony’s Rating: 67‘s rating: none yet! enter a value below to rate …
Pathmark Old Fashioned Draft Style Birch Beer
this is awful. seriously terrible. i feel like i licked a chemlawn or something. wow, i have to go dump this out now. but heck, if you like chemicals, go for it. Anthony’s Rating: 5‘s rating: none yet! enter a value below to rate this.User’s Rating: 51# of ratings:14
Pathmark Old Fashioned Draft Style Root Beer
even for a generic root beer this is not so good. just tastes so false and chemical. not all that different from many other huge brands, but enough so that i would pay the extra few cents and get an A&W or something similiar. Anthony’s Rating: 21‘s rating: none yet! enter a value below to …
this is not really even root beer, and was not intended to be until Coke bought it and claimed it was. ( more info) that “bite” isn’t much of anything either. probably the dumb caffeine or something. i dunno, sometimes i am into Barq’s but not usually. it is probably my last choice among major …