ok, so I must continue my Alaskan root beer reviews I suppose. I had planned to review a different soda today but it had caffeine and it is too late in the day for me to have such things. then I chose a different one but noticing this one next to it, I changed my …
Matanuska Brewing Root Beer
for some reason I had an influx of Alaskan brewed root beers for a little while a bit ago. which is very awesome. really, an influx of root beers of any sort, from any place in the world is awesome but it is a little nutty that several came from the furthermost US state from …
Moose’s Tooth Brewing Company Root Beer
in addition to reviewing root beers I also do other stuff. one of that assortment of stuff is the mobile game entitled Pokemon Go. somehow people thought I was responsible enough to be an admin on our local discord for this game. the fellow who founded this aforementioned discord knows I review root beers so …