so the Live company seems to have revamped their whole approach, they used to make a kombucha root beer and were known as “Live Kombucha Soda.” now they are just “Live Soda” with a new website and approach, I suppose. now they have probiotics, which I thought was just what knombucha had. I recall the …
Live Soda Kombucha Revive Rootbeer
i have only had one or two kombuchas in my life and they were vile to put it mildly. the fact that Target carries this makes me think either 1. it might taste ok or 2. kombucha is way too popular and people are too brainwashed into thinking this stuff is decent. i get the …
Dr. J. Fogworth’s Root Beer
so the mighty Doc emailed me one day. he had a problem. this other Doc, going by the name of “J. Fogworth” had sent him some root beer. but Eric does not besmirch his pallet with root beers from plastic or aluminum containers. as i do not care of the carrier for the beverage, i …