here we go with number three of the four father’s day special pack from Northern Soda Company! that is, assuming it is different than their normal pecan root beer. it seems sort of weird to me to have a pecan and a toasted pecan root beer, I mean, are they really that distinctly different flavors? …
New Creation Soda Works Root 42 Root Beer
this is another soda that I am not quite sure what it is called. I think I got it right though. they have a lot of slogans and explanations of their company and soda on the bottle which always adds a more personal touch to it, so that’s good to see. New Creation stresses a …
Northern Soda Company Pecan Root Beer
ah, pecans. well I like pecan pie, so that is something right? I suppose I get why this is the second pecan root beer I’ve had whereas I have not had any other nut flavored beverages yet. I mean peanut root beer or walnut birch beer doesn’t sound so good. but pecan pie is all …
Fest Pecan Root Beer
as soon as I found out about this soda, I contact the company to see how to get some. they very generously offered to send a couple my way, and sure enough, they soon arrived! as a kid, i never liked pecans. or walnuts. i was more a filbert and almond kind of guy. but …