sodas that are ‘Rootbeer Flavor’ frighten me a bit. it is like ‘chocolate flavored coating’ on my chocolate covered pretzels. no, i want actual chocolate, not chocolate flavor! in this case i will let it slide as the rest of the can is in Thai or perhaps Siamese. which makes me have no idea of …
Zest-O Root Beer
my root beer nemesis had reviewed this soda and i inquired as to where he got it. as sometimes good and evil must work together, we were trying to arrange a trade of sodas we each could get stuff we otherwise could not. he did not have any more of this but pointed me to …
Ritz Root Beer
yeah, yeah, it is a store brand, sort of, but there is a catch here. at least i think so. you see, my wife and i went to Aruba for our honeymoon. i was determined to find a new root beer. i mean, the place is so Americanized there has to be a root beer …