root beers

Dublin Bottling Works Texas Root Beer

once famous as the last bottler in the world or at least the US to still make Dr Pepper with the original recipe including cane sugar, the Dublin Bottle Works branched out once they lost the right to make that special beverage. so the world loses something and gains some others. as i don’t like …

Hippo Size Burley Birch Beer

this brand is another vintage brand resurrected and recreated by Orca Beverages. the label claims “since 1927” but i am not sure how much of that time this drink was actually produced. or even if they made a birch beer back then. it is possible, but i doubt it, especially for a brand from San …

root beers

H-E-B Root Beer

i really know nothing about this grocery chain, so i read about it on their website. i am still not sure i know the real truth, but it is a fine tale if it fact or fiction. there are not tons of chain stores that have their own glass bottled soda, Trader Joe’s is the …