root beers

Okc Soda Co Root Beer

trades trades trades, gotta love the trades! I should really try to do some more as I am running low once again. well, we shall see, hopefully I can make it work for a good while yet. I am excited to try this soda out, it sounds good and really any regional soda maker is a thing I encourage fully. I have never been to Oklahoma myself although I do hope to one day. a lot of this great nation I have at least drive through in a car, bus or train but never Oklahoma. this is what makes being able to trade sodas such a glorious thing.
well, this is at least a little different, so there is that. I would say it has more nutmeg and wintergreen than your normal root beer. it is sharper than I expected, but not so much that it is a minus. nonetheless the flavor just isn’t that tasty. it is not unpleasant or bad and I would drink it over any mass produced national brand. one of the things I most love about root beer is that so many flavors and variations can exist and everyone is going to like one variation more than another, one flavor addition or profile or whatever. I feel like I like a pretty wide range of the spectrum but of course some I enjoy more than others.

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Type: Root Beer Comes In: 12 oz can
Available: OK

Obtained in: trade with Julie
Head: Small Sweetener: cane sugar
Calories: 110 Sodium: 0mg
Carbs: 34g Sugar: 34g
Caffeine: No

Ingredients: pure cane sugar, reverse osmosis filtered water, natural and artificial flavors, citric acid, sodium benzoate

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