root beers

Dr. J. Fogworth’s Root Beer

so the mighty Doc emailed me one day. he had a problem. this other Doc, going by the name of “J. Fogworth” had sent him some root beer. but Eric does not besmirch his pallet with root beers from plastic or aluminum containers. as i do not care of the carrier for the beverage, i …

Swagger Sarsaparilla

ooo, hooray! the second offering from the mighty John and his Swagger Soda Co. i just made that company up, i have no idea what he would/will call this thing, perhaps “Swagger Fizzy Creations” or “Swagger Bottling Co” or maybe “Swagger Pop Inc” or something else entirely. no matter what though, i am excited to …

root beers

Swagger Root Beer

i think i came upon John and his Swagger soda brewing adventures by checking my stats. someone had come to my site from this new place. so i checked it out, as i often do when i see a new link to me. i was not prepared for what i found though! whoa! a very …

root beers

B&S Soda Pop Chili Rootz #45

ok, so since the first B&S Soda Pop i had was seeming to lack in flavor, i thought i would turn this bottle over a couple times gently to get the flavor mixed in better. bad idea. i am lucky this is a thick glass bottle as there is some serious carbonation going on inside …

root beers

B&S Soda Pop Rootz #45

wow, this is a very eagerly anticipated soda for me. i had found out about it the people behind it and immediately knew i had to try some of their drinks. they make this, their basic root beer, as well as several variations on it. i was able to get the chili root beer also …