I was not expecting to find this one when I did. mostly I just went to this store with my kids since they are somewhat obsessed with going to candy stores. but then again, what kid is not? really, what person is not and do we trust those people as far as we can throw …
Grandpa Joe’s Sarsaparilla
I am rather excited to try this, what I think would be my first clear sarsaparilla! coming from Grandpa Joe’s Candy Shop, which is a chain of candy stores in Pennsylvania and Ohio. and which I will have to plan to visit with the children sometime soon apparently! I am a huge fan of Charlie …
Pittsburgh Soda Pop Vanilla Root Beer
the final offering from Pittsburgh Soda Pop! i can stop buying liters of seltzer now i guess. unless i buy more extract that is. which i might do at some point, it was a pretty cheap way to get some yummy soda after all. so on the one hand i am expecting something creamy and …
Pittsburgh Soda Pop Birch Beer
ah, the birch beer is next on the agenda! i am quite fond of birch beers, so i am hoping this is tasty. well, i hope everything i put in my mouth is tasty really, but it often does not work out that way. at least here i have a reasonable expectation of it being …
Pittsburgh Soda Pop Sarsaparilla
so this is the third of the Pittsburgh Soda Pop syrups i am trying. i am not sure what to expect out of the sarsaparilla as they have 4 root beer flavors. although i am never quite sure how each company will interpret sarsaparilla as opposed to root beer when they make both. i again …