Frostop are sort of a weird brand to me. they could latch onto that “old time,” “classic,” nostalgia thing. i mean they have long running restaurants with old school barrel dispensers and a rich history. they seem more ‘valid’ and ‘genuine’ in my mind than many of the resurrected old brands. I have only been …
big8 Root Beer
this soda is very hard to find anything about. from what i can tell Big 8 beverages is owned by Sobeys, who own a whole a lot of grocery stores in Canada like Price Chopper, IGA, Foodland and so on. i gather that this line though is only sold in Atlantic Canada, which is an …
7-11 Select root beer
this soda was another one included in my trade with Red. gotta love the non-domestic trades! this one surprised me in many ways. first that it exists at all is surprising, because the United States has the most 7-11 stores of any country but they only sell this store brand soda line in Canada. second, …
Walgreens Nice! Root Beer
Walgreen’s seems to have re-branded many of their products, including their house brands. the Walgreen’s soda is now Nice! soda and the Deerfield stuff is now D-Lish. personally i like the first change just fine but the second one is for the worse. but no matter, i am sure i will get into that more …
Always Save Root Beer
the first strike here is that this is an “Artificially Flavored Root Beer Soda.” now, who would decide that that is a good thing to put on your product? seriously? does that entice people to buy it? you have natural flavors supposedly too, why not tout that instead? the graphic design as a whole is …