Rainbow Extracts Spruce Beer

hey, a spruce beer! i find this a curious thing. i mean, spruce beer is such a very tiny niche product, even more so than birch beer or any other soda i know of. to make an extract for it seems random and probably a losing proposition. is there that much demand for people to …

root beers

Rainbow Extracts Root Beer

i had purchased some of this probably 15 years ago and just never made it into soda. i may have tried once to make a batch with yeast but i don’t think so. anyway, now that i had the soda siphon thing down pretty well, it seemed time to try it that way. plus the …

Rainbow Extracts Birch Root Beer

for this extract mixing, instead of using the quick mix directions i scaled down the directions for making it with yeast. which involved a bit of extra water, 4 cups instead of 3, so a 33% increase, but more extra of the other stuff than seems justified. the extra extract was 50% more, a whole …