root beers

More Good Root Beer Syrup

it is pretty rare that someone presents me with a bottle or can of a root beer i had never heard of. even extracts and syrups at this point, i feel like i know what’s out there. or at least what is available and obtainable in my area. but this one was a surprise. that …

root beers

Sonoma Syrup Co Root Beer Soda Syrup

it is the rare thing that i find a new soda locally, just browsing my usual stores. nonetheless i check almost every time. places like Marshall’s do occasionally get random sodas in, so i have gotten some solid stuff there that i had had before. but this time i actually got something new! hooray! i …

faerie’s finest birch beer extract

so luckily i have found more ready made sodas to sample thus i don’t have to mix up as many extracts and syrups and the like, although i did stock up on them so there will be a bunch of reviews interspersed anyway. fun fun. well, sort of. this is the second offering from faerie’s …

root beers

Pat’s Backcountry Beverages Bear Foot Root Beer

i don’t really know how i found this one. i think i was trying to find some more root beer extracts or syrups to test out and somehow stumbled upon this root beer concentrate. the idea is interesting or at least a different angle than other concentrates take. this is marketed toward backpackers as a …

P&H Soda Co Sarsaparilla Soda Syrup

this is the last of my acquisitions from my NYC root beer quest and probably the one i knew about the longest. i am not sure how i came to learn of its existence, but i had emailed the makers a few times back and forth. there was talk of meeting up somewhere in northern …