this was an item I found in my random google searches. in general there are not many birch beer syrups out there. then again there are not a lot of actual birch beers out there either so that is to be expected. for this one I tried to just put some in some seltzer and …
Virgil’s Handcrafted Root Beer
so those nutty Virgil’s people are at it again, changing up the recipe and the name even too! the seem to simplify it more each time. this time they changed up the label even more and it now depicts two children sitting on stumps with a keg of unknown type with an entirely too high …
Ohio Pop Bigfoot Root Beer
I believe I emailed the people behind this soda asking if I could order some of their product. To this they replied that they would do better than that, they would send me a bottle to review! And they actually followed through on it, which some companies never in fact do. But that fact will …
Bandit Beverage Root Beer
the track master general Sagi found this gem and was kind enough to share with me! i had never heard of this brand before so it is quite exciting to test it out. i see they also now have a sarsaparilla so i will be placing an order of my own soon i do believe. …
Angus O’Neil’s Root Beer
now here is a soda I have been after for years! as has the good doctor and he finally gave in and ordered some, then, very very kindly traded a bottle of it to me. you have to love the camaraderie in the root beer reviewing world! we help each other out. well, mostly. getting …