root beers

Butler Extracts Imitation Root Beer Extract

this is one of the most confusing brands i have ever encountered. the box says “Butler’s Extracts” all over it but also “Butler Extract Co” with the address. the bottle though has “Dutch Bakers” very big on it with the same “Butler Extract Co” and an address on the bottom. so it is rather confusing …

root beers

Sonoma Syrup Co Root Beer Soda Syrup

it is the rare thing that i find a new soda locally, just browsing my usual stores. nonetheless i check almost every time. places like Marshall’s do occasionally get random sodas in, so i have gotten some solid stuff there that i had had before. but this time i actually got something new! hooray! i …

faerie’s finest birch beer extract

so luckily i have found more ready made sodas to sample thus i don’t have to mix up as many extracts and syrups and the like, although i did stock up on them so there will be a bunch of reviews interspersed anyway. fun fun. well, sort of. this is the second offering from faerie’s …

root beers

faerie’s finest natural root beer flavor

in my tireless quest to find all of the root beers the world has to offer, i came upon this company. they also make a birch beer as well as 126 other extracts (many of which are available as alcohol free flavor powders), flavor drops, flavored sugars, flavored salts, herbs, teas and other such things. …

root beers

Zatarain’s Root Beer Extract

this may be the most widely available root beer extract. well, this or Rainbow. they are kind of the A&W and Barqs of the extract world it seems. i think when i made a batch of yeast carbonated root beer about 15 years ago i used Zatarain’s to make it. that did not turn out …