this brew was obtained from the Tony! he is another fellow with an excellent knack for finding new root beers. the label on this is a little hard to figure out, as the “ze” part of the “e’ze” is much smaller, so i thought it was “Big-e Root Beer” for a while there. otherwise it …
Chowning’s Tavern Root Beer
this may very well be the current version of Dominion Root Beer but i haven’t purchased that one in quite a long time so i will just assume it is not. it is probably the same thing as Hard Times Root Beer as the ingredients are the same yet i was told this is a …
Lost Rhino Root Beer
somehow it seems my review of this went missing. or maybe I never wrote it, which would be strange as I recall writing it. i don’t recall everything, or even all that much I will admit, but i distinctly remember writing about this drink. oh well, maybe it will turn up somewhere although i doubt …
Lost Dog Cafe Root Beer
this one was a bit strange. the cafe itself seemed very cool, lots of yummy menu items and best of all, several huge coolers full of glass bottled drinks including several microbrew root beers including Dominion and Hanks. but that was not why i was there. i stepped up to the counter and ordered some …
Mad Fox Root Beer
wow, now that is a growler! serious stuff. i did not expect it to be this absurd. i think this one actually cost more than most of the rest of the sodas i bought on this trip combined as well, so there is that. but for a new soda, it was under my max budget. …