root beers

DeadWorld Twilight Shuffler Root Beer

I will say I have not really latched onto the whole zombie phenomenon. i watched ‘walked dead’ a couple times, didn’t like it much for whatever reason. it just didn’t grab my interest. i suppose the concept of zombies is interested/kind of creepy but it isn’t something fascinating on most levels. to me. and i am writing this. it’s my website, my name is up there in pixels and everything. in that vein, this brand doesn’t excite me in their concept, but perhaps they make a superb drink! read on and find out, would you?
the label has a sexy, scantily clad lady with a cobra tattoo on her stomach. she may or may not be a zombie. all of her seems to be accounted for, she is not drooling, there is no vacant stare in her eyes, she has no brains in her hands or slipped on her clothes or self so I suspect she is not? I think her name is ‘Tattoo’ as it says that as well on there and it would make no sense otherwise.
hhhmmm, yeah, this is quite tasty. creamy but not sickeningly so. smooth yet with an edge to it. herbal by not cloying. it is not exactly unique mind you, there are a dozen sodas that are probably indistinguishable from it but it is good.

Anthony’s Rating: 85
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Type: Root Beer Comes In: 12oz glass bottle
Available: MI, online

Obtained in: Ordered from company
Head: Medium Sweetener: cane sugar
Calories: 144 Sodium: 27mg
Carbs: 38g Sugar: 38g
Caffeine: No

Ingredients: carbonated water, pure cane sugar, caramel color, sodium benzoate (a preservative), citric acid, natural flavor

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1 Comment

  1. A friend of mine told me about a soda shop not far from me, that I never knew existed, even though I have been here for 16 years now. How sad, and way this is the place, So its only a 20 minute drive from me, better than the 45 plus minute drive to go to Jims apple barn and candy store, that sells just as many sodas.

    So as a result of going to this store, I managed to find 7 new sodas I have never seen before, and some are not even on this site as reviewed. So I’m not sure if they are being posted later, of if its just a great find.

    Anyway, this Twilight Shuffler was one of my finds. I must say, it is much better than the Vanilla root beer from the Dead world set. This one has a mild winter green flavor that I like, but is not so over whelming, you would call it, a wintergreen drink. I give it a 75.

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