root beers

Morley’s Maple Root Beer

two things in this world I would say I love 90% of the time at least are root beer and maple syrup, well among a whole load of other things, shoo fly pie, butterfingers, mangoes, dark chocolate… although most of those things are pretty specific. so anyway, putting those first two things together should result …

root beers

Dempsey Brewing Co Rampant Lion Root Beer

the very kind and generous Vince sent me this one, after posting his find on the root beer hunters facebook group. we trade back and forth but I am sure he has sent me much more than I have sent him. ssshhh, don’t tell him that though, ok? =) this is one of the cooler …

Silver Cloud Estates Root Beer Extract

this is an extract that had no directions for making soda out of it. I know that is probably not their intended use for this stuff, but I am all for subverting their system and doing it anyway. although I think they do have a recipe on their website that involves way too much result …

root beers

Crave It! Root Beer Extract

so I have a whole stash of extracts that I really need to get to reviewing as I am running out of regular sodas so I mixed one up a few days ago and then started to write it up before realizing I had reviewed that one a couple years ago. I dumped that one …

root beers

Caldera Soda Works Root Beer

i am very much in debt to a few people for all of the lopsided root beers trades they have done with me. foremost by a large margin (no, not a Large Marge, that is something else entirely), is the man who sent me this brew, the mighty Sagi. so thank you again my brother …