Rainbow Extracts Birch Root Beer

for this extract mixing, instead of using the quick mix directions i scaled down the directions for making it with yeast. which involved a bit of extra water, 4 cups instead of 3, so a 33% increase, but more extra of the other stuff than seems justified. the extra extract was 50% more, a whole …

root beers

Rio Syrups Root Beer

i had heard about this extract company a few times before but i seemed to be unable to find their product anywhere. so when i went on a big extract finding mission online i finally stumbled across a place that had it. they actually make a ridiculous amount of different flavors. but strangely enough, no …

root beers

Homemade Soda Co Natural Root Beer Cream

this one is the final of their four root beer offerings. i still have the birch beer and sarsaparilla to go though so don’t fret too much. i actually mixed the extract about a month ago but did not carbonate it until now. i am not sure it really matters. their advice is just to …

root beers

Homemade Soda Co Root Beer #3

the third of the four root beer offerings from this company! this one is supposed to be the “gourmet” one, like Wenhards or Kemper. we will see. those seem to taste fairly different to me, mainly since Kemper is honey sweetened. i made this again using the recipe on their website, with 1 cup of …