root beers

St. Steve’s Root Beer

I have had knowledge of this root beer for quite some time so I was super excited to finally get my hands on it. I am always in favor of companies taking chances and trying new things in root beer flavor. this company takes many chances all at once. or perhaps they took time to …

root beers

734 Brewing Root Beer

another very exciting trade result! there is most likely no way I would have ever gotten this soda otherwise so I am always very thankful and excited about doing trades. I would love to go to Michigan and do a root beer quest but it’s not happening anytime soon. but here I am with it …

root beers

Faygo Original Root Beer

kicking it ICP style today! they have change their recipe as well since my old review, which was almost exactly a year ago today, strangely. they inverted the cane sugar and mixed up some other ingredients, took away some sodium but kept the calories the same. hopefully they also made it tastier. they did no …

root beers

Faygo Original Root Beer – old

I may have just overlooked this root beer when it appeared in the world, or perhaps when they put it in glass bottles this time around the recipe was the same as their regular root beer. I would guess the first is the correct thing though if I were a betting man, which I am …

root beers

Cherry Republic Cherry Root Bear

it is now 7 years since I reviewed Cherry Republic Sprecher Boom Chugga Lugga Cherry Root Beer. yes, I know that is a very long name, mostly that is my own fault for not knowing just what to call it. they seem to have shortened it as the ‘Boom Chugga Lugga’ is now on the …