birch beers

Olde Brooklyn Bayridge Birch Beer

i think this got opened a bit when i was transporting it from Po-town, so there may actually be more of a head to it than i got from this bottle. anyhow, “this is one darn good birch beer” were the first words out of my mouth after i swallowed this. sweet, but not overly …

birch beers

Squeeze Birch Beer

i would say this is a decent birch beer. nonetheless the flavor is a bit hard to find, as with most clear birch beers, but it stands out more with this one than with the others. it is a nice wintergreen taste at that, which i find really tasty in a birch beer. so if …


Mystic Seaport Sarsaparilla

strangely, this is a million times better than the root beer… that is a good thing since that stuff was toxic i think. it is not the tastiest thing ever or anything but it is pretty good. quite sweet, yet it has a little bit of a different taste, the vanilla and wintergreen i guess …

root beers

Mystic Seaport Root Beer

finally got a hold of some of this and as i was warned, it is pretty awful. it is another case of throwing too much stuff with strong flavors into one thing. things from molasses to anise to wintergreen to camomile to ginger just make it taste rancid and wretched. although i suppose it is …

root beers

Goose Island Root Beer

the cane sugar here adds a different little zing to this root beer. makes it more carmel-y i suppose. it is quite a tasty little brew also in any case. i’d drink it more if i could get it anywhere near me at all. alas… such problems… the taste otherwise is pretty traditional but a …