root beers

Triple XXX Root Beer

oh my gosh, how much have i heard about this soda?! people writing me all the time, seeing their old products all the time on ebay and junk. eventually i found out they not only still existed but had a website and i could order from it! i waited a bit until i knew i would be more on top of my reviews and got a case. it was an exciting day when it arrived at last! although that was at least a month or so ago and i have not actually drank any of it yet.
before that let me just say that i find the brand name very funny every time. “Triple XXX” would be nine (9!) X’s: “XXXXXXXXX.” now that is very X-filled. super straight edge or super naked i suppose. i feel like it may have made kids really enjoy it on several levels just from the name. i mean, you always see the bottles of alcohol in cartoons with the 3 X’s on em, so there is that level, pretending you are getting cartoon drunk. but then it also seems naughty in the adult film sense so you feel like you are mature or something for getting some. i don’t know, perhaps not.
so let’s twist off the cap! i must say i do very much prefer soda in glass bottles, nonetheless you have to remember to wipe off the bottle top or you get that weird rusty metal taste. i almost always forget myself. i also quite enjoy their slogan: “Tastes like root beer used to taste.” i am not sure how true that is but it very well could be right. so the taste here is rather good but not exceptional. it has a slightly different hint to it that just barely separates it from so many other brands. i can’t quite place just what though. maybe it is a little less creamy so a bit sharper than others. it just does not stand out for me. and i so wanted it to. i like so much about it, the logo, colors, history, wacky name, and it being root beer but i have been somewhat let down. alas.

Anthony’s Rating: 73
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User’s Rating: 70
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Type: Root Beer Comes In: On Tap
Available: IN, OK, WA, online

Obtained in: mailorder from company
Head: Small Sweetener: high fructose corn syrup
Calories: 180 Sodium: 45mg
Carbs: 44g Sugar: 44g
Caffeine: No

Ingredients: carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, carmel color, sodium benzoate (preservative), citric acid, artificial and natrual flavorings

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  1. Rob says:

    Triple XXX Root Beer is made with pure cane sugar in Dublin Tx – Home of the Original Dr. Pepper Bottling Plant! The only thing is, you cannot the purchase the root beer there – unless you have some original (old) Triple XXX bottles – then they can “fill them” for you.

  2. marc says:

    I thought this root beer was awful. Very bad indeed

  3. mulciberxp says:

    I thought this root beer was pretty tasty. It was very sweet, but not with that candy root beer flavor that I don’t like.

  4. Jeremy says:

    I love the bottle. Only thing is, the root beer had too much of that licorice flavor, similar to Virgil’s or Natural Brew. Not really my thing.

  5. craig.brown2 says:

    I thought it was pretty darn good!

  6. This one is just a decent tasting root beer. Not too fancy, but if you want a root beer that tastes like a root beer then get this one. Nothing funky or weird. Just tastes really basic with a kick of vanilla. 76 for me.

  7. I found a bottle of this at world market, I could not remember if I tried this before or not, so I bought some. Turns out I did not have it, so I scored.

    I gave this a 70, it had a strong vanilla flavor, not strong in root beer, but I liked it.

  8. Drew Fisher says:

    I very much enjoyed the simple fullness of this root beer. Nothing special or “weird” to try to excite you but just a good, solid, point-on root beer. I did not taste any dominant flavors–vanilla, licorice, root, sweetness all in the right proportions. Could be a little fuller, but I give this one an 84. Recommended! (P.S. Mine claims to be made in Lafayette, Indiana!)

  9. Ed Keen says:

    Now made with cane sugar.

  10. Peter says:

    The original Triple XXX restaurant was owned by two brothers. When they split up, only one got the draft recipe. The other used a different recipe for the bottle. The one on draft is much better. If you find yourself in Issaquah Washington some time, give it a try.

  11. […] think the old bottles this is modeled after said “gluten free” though, haha. the old recipe was, if I recall correctly, just fine, nothing special or unusual but your standard root beer. I […]

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