random junk

hello new people!!

wow, so i did not quite expect the huge traffic spike as a result of Modern Marvels! crazy! mainly since they did not ever say the site address or name. i had about 10 times more traffic than usual yesterday and i am quite surprised my server handled it ok. very good.
anyway, welcome new visitors! thanks for finding me. enjoy a frosty one and feel free to browse around. there are 430 reviews up right now with new ones posting every 12 days for at least the next year or so. hopefully longer if i find more sodas. click on “Reviews” above to go to the alphabetical list of all of the sodas i have reviewed in the past 14 years. you can submit ratings for each one under their reviews. if you click on “Rankings” you can see what sodas i and users each rated highest. or lowest. sign up to receive updates or just follow me on Twitter to see when i post new reviews. i have sodas lined up for the next year already so no worries there. send me a message and i will be sure to get back to you soon. and come back again soon.
oh! if you can get any of the sodas in my WANTED section, i would be more than happy to pay all costs. or trade with you. also if there any any sodas you can get that you don’t see reviewed, i probably want em! so write to me. please. kthxbye

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