root beers

Dr Brown’s Draft Style Root Beer

so my supermarket as well as tons of other stores i have been in in the past 5 years carries Dr Brown’s sodas. but just Cel-Ray, Black Cherry, Cream and maybe 1 or 2 others. but never root beer. i knew it was out there as i saw it once at a diner in Boston. stupidly i did not buy it to review, thinking i would now see it all over. i did not of course. so i was quite happy to see that i could mail order it. was it worth it though? eeehhh… it is ok. slightly herbal bitter tasting. there is not much of a head but it is quite carbonated, as witnessed by the gas i keep having to expel from my pie hole. decent soda, nothing more

Anthony’s Rating: 72
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User’s Rating: 60
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Type: Root Beer Comes In: 12 oz can, 10oz glass bottle
Available: CA, CT, MA, NJ, NY, online

Obtained in: mail from
Head: Tiny Sweetener: high fructose corn syrup
Calories: 168 Sodium: 0mg
Carbs: 42g Sugar: 42g
Caffeine: No

Ingredients: carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, natural and artificial flavors, gum acacia and citric acid

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  1. Georgianna says:

    I got this after seeing Bob Dylan at Foxwoods’ MGM at the Junior’s “to go” counter. It blew me away! The last time I was this excited about root beer was maybe 25 years ago when I tasted some ice cold, homemade stuff at some kind of conference in the woods. They used to sell it in Harvard Square, but no more. I am loathe to go all the way to NYC for it, but I might have to. Wish they made a Diet version.
    btw, couldn’t you get someone who is used to diet soda to review diet root beer? It’s ALWAYS going to have an after-taste!

  2. Kriztoffer Swank says:

    Didn’t like it… This and Stewart’s (bottled) are the blandest root beers I’ve had so far.

  3. This has a good flavor, yet it is waaaaaaay too watery. If they made it have a stronger flavor, then I think I could give this an 85 because what is there is pretty good. Yet, I taste a ton of water and not enough flavoring. Too bad. This one deserves a 75.

  4. I honestly was not very impressed with this root beer. I gave it a 60.

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