root beers

Thorpe’s Root Beer

a taste that is not so much off the root beer path, but definitely different and definitely good. quite sweet though, but i like that myself. and a kinda strange tangy thing happening in there. i’d like to try this again sometime definitely. a fine brew. Anthony’s Rating: 86User’s Rating: 62# of ratings:17 Log in …

root beers

Thomas Kemper Pure Draft Root Beer

the honey sweetening gives this a different flavor than the rest. whether that is bad or good is up to the drinker i suppose, the first time i had it, i didn’t like it mch, but on the second try i grew to think it pretty yummy in a weird way. if they put a …

root beers

Pirate’s Keg Root Beer

a bit too generic with no real special kick of its own. made by the people who make Jolt, so of course it has caffeine, which is kinda weird. anyhow, i just can’t find anything too distinguishing about this. i think it’s be better with real sugar instead of corn syrup since it is a …

root beers

Dad’s Root Beer – old

quite a tasty blend. a bit weak but it has a hint of licorice and perhaps cinnamon that keeps it distinct if you pay enough attention. not exactly my first choice, but definitely a solid contender among the big brands. many claim it is too medicine-like but i’d have to dis-agree on that one. i …

root beers

Chug’s Choice Gourmet Root Beer

the molasses in this really gives it a different flavor. i am not sure how i feel about it though. it doesn’t make it taste like virgil’s or something but it is not a huge improvement. maybe i’d love it in time. perhaps i will find out some day. yeh. this is the only root …