root beers

Maine Root. Handcrafted Rootbeer

ah, a website that only sells root beer and birch beer! wow! i finally placed an order and this is the first of the reviews from it. which is kind of amusing since i was in Portland, ME just 2 months ago and did not see any root beers anywhere. guess you just have to know where to look… so this is a very simple root beer, 3 ingredients (purified water, all natural cane sugar and spice). although that “spices” thing could be anything and it could be 94734 different spices. the taste is indeed spicey but i cannot place what the spices are… something a little bitter. this definitely has the biggest, most long lasting head of any root beer i have ever had. yet it is not creamy as all. i suppose those are not necessarily characteristics that go together, but i associate them with each other. the taste here is not terribly strong, but it is “natural” and you can taste the cane sugar. i am liking it but it is not for everyone and for some reason i feel like it is a “refined” taste that needs to be sipped and savored and appreciated. i don’t think i have felt that about root beer before. weird. anyhow. Maine does good.

Anthony’s Rating: 85
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User’s Rating: 84
# of ratings:155

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Type: Root Beer Comes In: 12oz glass bottle
Available: CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, IL, KS, LA, ME, MD, MA, MN, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OK, RI, SC, TX, VT, VA, WV, WI, online, UK

Obtained in: mail from the Rootbeer Store
Head: Huge Sweetener: cane sugar
Caffeine: No

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  1. marcphoto1 says:

    A pretty good root beer with an interesting taste which is good and a nice head.

  2. is says:

    This root beer rocks! Wow, I’d have to give this a 93. It’s very comparable to Capt’n Eli’s root beer. It’s very well rounded. I very very highly recommend this root beer. Very tasty, nothing wrong with this one.

  3. Hmmm… After trying it a third time I’ll have to lower my score to 88. It’s good, but needs more of a bite.

  4. I lived in many parts of Maine for a total of 17 years.
    I figure my root beer list is at a measly 200 compared to the roughly 600 Anthony has tried. I love root beer, but I do not agree with the thoughts stated for this root beer, It does not taste like root beer, it was weak in color, I give this a 40

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