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Fentimans Dandelion & Burdock

i have pondered whether i should open up my reviews to include dandelion & burdocks also. i feel like they fit into the “sodas made from roots” niche that i am filling here. yet, they are more plant roots and not tree roots as root beers, birch beers and sarsaparillas are. i don’t want to expand to ginger beers (although i do love them, that is a whole other world). from my understanding, dandelion & burdocks are kind of like english root beers. i am not sure how many there really are out there so this may be the only one i ever drink.
Fentimans seems to make a line of fancy sodas and they have recently begun trying to expand into the US. i think i have seen some of the other flavors around, but never this one so i had to mailorder it. that is sort of annoying as it cost like $6 in the end. alas, the cost of doing business i suppose. so Fentimans makes this beverage by brewing and they mention that a lot on the label. a fine idea i suppose, but does it work out?
I am not sure what i expected when i drank this, but it is not what i got. recently i saw that another soda review site had reviewed this and raved about it so maybe my expectations were high. i can taste the pear juice a little bit, the ginger & anise not at all and i am assuming the dandelion and/or burdock stuff tastes like bubblegum as that is overwhelmingly what this tastes like. i like bubblegum i must admit but i am not loving this so much. it is interesting and a novelty but i would never buy it again. i can’t say i have had many other sodas like this. Girlan Pink Birch actually was similar but Fentimans is not as syrupy and pulls it off better. it is tastier than must diet drinks, which is not saying a lot really. oh well.

Anthony’s Rating: 42
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User’s Rating: 81
# of ratings:16

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Type: Dandelion & Burdock Comes In: 275ml glass bottle
Available: online, UK

Obtained in: mailorder
Head: Small Sweetener: sugar, other
Calories: 130 Sodium: 15mg
Carbs: 31g Sugar: 30g
Caffeine: No
Website: http://drinkfentimans.com/

Ingredients: water, carbonated water, sugar, pear juice concentrate, glucose syrup, ginger, dandelion & burdock flavor, dandelion strong infusion, burdock strong infusion, aniseed flavor

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  1. Karen says:

    Actually, I really LIKE this one! In fact, I like all of the Fentimans flavors except the ginger beer (I like DG more). I realize they’re not everyone’s cup of tea, but I enjoy the fermented flavor.
    Fentimans has been available in the US for quite a few years now; it used to be imported and I bought it in specialty food stores. Now, however, it seems they’re bottling it here for the US market. A pity–it has been my experience that imports usually taste better. 🙁

  2. icool says:

    Hmmm. If I could rate this drink, I’d rate it a 95. It is absolutely delicious! I gave a bottle to my uncle and he said that it tasted like red vines. It is really tasty stuff. You can find it at your local Cost Plus World Market for $1.79.

  3. is says:

    Maybe the reason why you didn’t like it was because you got an expired bottle. I enlarged the photo you provided of this drink and it states that it expires by “10 Feb 11”. So, maybe it was because of the expired bottle that made the drink not taste so hot.

  4. well,i drank it in late 2009 i think so i don’t think expiration was an issue on this one. just not tasty. =) to me that is.

  5. is says:

    Actually, this drink is good, but after trying it a few more times I’ll have to lower my score to a 90. They need to make the flavor a bit stronger, and the carbonation is a bit too high. Still, it rivals some of the best root beers on this website.

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