diet root beers

Island Girl Beverages Diet Root Beer

my daughters and I get take out every Monday for dinner, basically limited to what is very close to our house. this mostly boils down to pizza or chinese, although there is taco bell, pho and indian in the general range as well but they are not chosen by the kiddos ever really. so I …

root beers

Tem’s Root Beer

I am pretty sure I have never had a root beer from Germany so this is a very novel experience for me. I did take German language classes in 3rd grade, but nonetheless I do not actually speak or read it at all at this point, some 40 years later. because of this I will …

root beers

Jersey Shore Soda Ocean City Boardwalk Root Beer

well, let’s finish up the applicable offerings from Jersey Shore Soda, why don’t we? may as well. one thing I will say about all of these that I did not mention before, mainly because I thought it was a fluke or unusual thing, was that all three that I have had so far had really …