I am rather certain someone sent me this Bull’s Head 1896 Root Beer, but for the life of me I cannot figure out who, which makes me very upset. it was super kind of the person to send this and the least I can do is acknowledge it. so my apologies to whom ever sent this my way, if you care to let me know I will be sure to amend this and give you the proper recognition and gratitude. amendment it was the mighty King Sagi!! actually he sent it a good while ago and I just didn’t grab it until last night. thank you again root beer hunter extraordinaire!
this soda comes in a very cool bottle, and it out of Quebec! I know there are a ton of root beers in Canada I have yet to try, which I hope to rectify soon. but hopes are not results so we shall see what comes of it.
when I opened the cap of this, there was a strong release of carbon dioxide, but that seemed to be it, the supply was depleted, this drink is not carbonated at all. luckily though I do have another bottle from the super amazing person who sent this so I will try that one next chance I get and see if this one is a fluke or the norm. if it is the norm, this really is not so good. I have had a few intentionally not carbonated sodas and a bunch that are very little carbonated as well. sometimes it works well, although it is a bit off putting at first. but other times it just feel like something major is missing. this is the latter case. although I am not sure it would be that great with proper bubbles either. the taste is rather watery and bland. I can tell it is a root beer, yes, but more of a root beer water. it need more “umph” and presence. it is just there, in my mouth, on my tongue and down my gullet. it just doesn’t wow me or do much. it isn’t offensive or bad but I think they could do better. the bottle is super cool, obviously made just for them with an embossed bull head logo on the neck as well as “1896” embossed on the other side. the label is great too, very cool looking, unusual and fun, yet the contents don’t show the same attention to detail unfortunately. maybe my expectations were too high from the package, judging the proverbial book by its cover and all that.
Anthony’s Rating: 71
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Type: | Root Beer | Comes In: | 12oz glass bottle |
Available: | Canada | Obtained in: | trade with ??? |
Head: | None | Sweetener: | cane sugar |
Calories: | 120 | Sodium: | 0mg |
Carbs: | 30g | Sugar: | 30g |
Caffeine: | No | ||
Website: | http://bulls-head.com |
Ingredients: spring water, cane sugar, natural flavour, caramel colour, citric acid, carob dioxide
I disagree. We did a taste test, and this took second, with Buckin rt br taking first. This gets a 90 in my book. Good enough for me to buy a case.
[…] drinks, so this is basically new to me even if nothing was actually new. I feel it may just be Bull’s Head 1896 Root Beer in a little different bottle, but perhaps not. it is made by them as well as the label indicates. […]