root beers

Public Coast Brewing Co. Stephen’s Root Beer

ah, another mail order find which was clued to me by the fine Root Beer Hunters of America group!! this one has very little information on it anywhere. I have no idea ingredients, nutrition info, sweetener or really much else besides the names of the people who brewed it. sure, that is nice to know but I would like to have some further actual facts about the drink.
well let me taste this one… that is tasty! a little bit of a unique flavor which seems to be licorice and that sets it apart. it is also quite sweet, I am curious to see the sugar content of it but alas, I cannot as noted earlier. you do not see a lot of sodas in 16 oz cans, so that is fun in itself. I fully support any brewery that makes their own root beer. in fact i went to two friends’ 50th birthday party yesterday, they are both very into raft beer so a bunch of people there were people they had met from that world. a couple even owned or ran their own breweries. I of course did my best to convince them to make their own root beer and they seemed to be into the idea so hopefully it is acted upon. I imagine it helps bring a different set of clientele into a place, which is always nice. I mean, I probably won’t go to such a place otherwise myself. so back to the soda, i like it. yeah, it is not the best ever but it superior to most and definitely better than most brewery sodas. you can tell they actually put thought and effort into it, and not just throw a root beer extract into a machine to have something to offer and label as their own. I’d go here and have this more if I was not 3000 miles away.

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Type: Root Beer Comes In: 16oz can
Available: OR, online

Obtained in: mail order from company
Head: Large Sweetener: unknown
Caffeine: No

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