root beers

Pittsburgh Soda Pop Licorice Root Beer

well, i can’t find one of the parts to my seltzer/siphon bottle so i am just going to mix the syrup this time with a regular bottle of seltzer water. we shall see how that pans out. i suppose it is the same effect really in the end, just not quite as fun.
the problem with any of these methods is that i just get one shot at it. here, i followed the directions to take out 1 cup of seltzer, then add in the bottle of syrup but it is a little bit weak. oh well, i will try not to judge it on that and more on the flavor that is there. i suppose i should have learned from the first review that i should use a bit less liquid base. next time i will keep that in mind.
so, the base here is definitely licorice, which is not surprised at all, i mean look at the name of the soda for crying out the door! again, this one is a little bitter but that is not all bad, licorice in general often has a bitter edge to it, i just like a drink with a bit more sweetness. licorice is a very enjoyable taste to me. it always reminds me of my Dad and christmas since he is a hard guy to buy for and he always like licorice so he gets it every year in some form. i was never a big fan until a few years ago myself. maybe it is one of those things that you develop a taste for.
i think i like this a bit more than the American Classic Root Beer. is it also not incredible but it will do and is better than mainstream sodas so there is that. if you want to avoid corn syrup and like licorice, this probably the cheapest way to do it in a tasty way.

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Type: Root Beer Comes In: syrup
Available: PA, online

Obtained in: ordered from website
Head: Sweetener: sugar
Caffeine: No

Ingredients: water, granulated sugar, natural & artificial flavors, gum acacia, spices, caramel color, malto dextrin, sodium benzoate, citric acid


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