root beers

BTB Brewing Co Atta Boy Root Beer

a root beer obtained from the facebook root beer hunters group, from the masterful Rick! thank you again kind sir. yet again I am not sure what the connection/obsession between dogs and root beer. there have to be a good dozen if not more brands that have dogs as mascots or on the label in some form. perhaps people just like dogs in general life and translate that love to this other love. dogs are woman’s best friend after all.
when i had this in my root beer fridge, i kept thinking it was another one of the pile of differently labelled sodas from Rocket Fizz. I guess it just fits that style or something. but thankfully it is not! this one comes from Oklahoma City and the Bricktown Brewing Company. I could google them up and find some interesting facts perhaps about them but I was not actually there myself and have not been to Oklahoma in a good 20 years I’d say thus my thoughts and opinions on the matter would have little relevance.
so this root beer! I am a little conflicted. I have been sipping it as I write and while I do rather enjoy it, it is not really an adventurous brew or anything. it just does the normal micro-root beer thing in an excellent if not unique way. it is probably a bit more sweet than normal, so I guess that is sort of something. there is not much of a fizz or head, which may be an anomaly. as I only have one bottle I cannot say. I like it very much. if they threw in a little twist I would love it I think.

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Type: Root Beer Comes In: 12 oz can
Available: OK

Obtained in: trade with Rick
Head: Tiny Sweetener: cane sugar
Calories: 156 Sodium: 2mg
Carbs: 41g Sugar: 41g
Caffeine: No

Ingredients: cane sugar, caramel color, citric acid, natural and artificial flavor, sodium benzoate (preservative)

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